It is a relatively simple process that involves collecting a small amount of saliva from the inside of your cheek to extract DNA. The sample must then be sent to the laboratory, where it will be analyzed in just a few days. You will receive your results as a clear and easy-to-understand report that will help you determine the biological relationship.
DNA Test Kit
Why create your DNA kit?
You have an emergency!
You don't have time to wait for the delivery of a kit to take the sample. One of the participants is only available for a certain period, take the initiative and follow the instructions to create your own DNA kit at home.
The participants are remote!
If a person is in a distant country where it is challenging, or even too expensive, to receive the DNA kit from the laboratory.
Making your kit at home brings many advantages to the smooth progress of your online test. It allows you to organize yourself without waiting for the delivery of a kit that may never arrive. In the face of last-minute unforeseen events, you have the opportunity to do everything possible to take samples that comply with the analysis. For added security, you will proceed with payment once the laboratory has received your samples.

The use of mouth swab is not mandatory, but strongly recommended if possible.
You can also send non-standard samples such as hair, nails, a handkerchief, toothbrush...
Non-standard sample is an option to your test, this alternative will be an additional cost.
Materials for a Home Kit
Making your own kit is very simple and you can find everything you need at home. You need :
A box of new cotton swabs
A pair of gloves
A pair of scissors
Two table glasses - one per participant -
A large envelope
Two small envelopes - one per participant -
A printer for your documents
Non-Standard Samples
During a DNA test, you have the possibility of using several types of samples. Choosing the sample is an important step in doing a DNA test. In general, laboratories recommend the use of buccal swabs. But depending on the situation, the choice of another type of sample must then be considered. Please respect the conditions so that the sample provides enough genetic information for your DNA test.


1 minute

1 hour minimum
Follow the procedure 4x for each participant and do not mix samples between participants
Step 3:
During this time, you can order your DNA test on the laboratory website.
When ordering on the internet, please specify that you want to make your own DNA kit at home.
Open a file with the laboratory to obtain a customer number
Ask for the consent form be sent to you by e-mail
As well as the postal address to send your samples
You have the possibility to pay when ordering, or when your samples arrive at the laboratory

Step 4:
Now that your samples are dry.
Keep your samples in the small envelope of the corresponding participant (you can keep them for several weeks before analysis)
Print your consent form, fill it out and don't forget to sign
Please write your customer number on all media : envelopes and forms
Put your small envelopes in the bigger one with the consent form
Send the large envelope by registered mail to the address indicated

Send recommendations
All that remains is to wait for confirmation of receipt by email.
Sampling Instructions
All participants must have a clean mouth for mouth swabs.
You must not have eaten an hour before and you must rinse your mouth with lukewarm water before starting the samples. Do not use mouthwash or toothpaste. Do not smoke before.
Step 1 :
Write on the small envelopes the information of the participants - 1 envelope per participant -
Full name
Date of Birth
Relationship (Father, Mother, Child, Sister, Brother, Uncle, Aunt...)
Type of sample (Oral samples or Non-standard sample: Hair, Nail, etc.)
Step 2 :
Put on a pair of gloves and get a pair of scissors and a table glass.
Open the box of clean swabs
Remove a cotton swab
Cut one of the ends with the scissors
With the remaining part, rub the cotton against the inside of your cheek, tongue, gums
Rub for 1 minute
Place the cotton swab in the glass - cotton side up -
Let the Cotton Swab dry for at least 1 hour - more if necessary -