We don't send DNA kits!
It's up to you to make your DNA kit with saliva samples.
You can place the order from any country.
Place your order to receive by email:
your customer code;
sample collection instructions;
the online consent form;
the shipping form to print, fill out and send;
the laboratory's address.
Product details
The DNA test and instructions include the use of saliva samples for both participants.
Addition of an extra participant: 99.00€
Addition of a non-standard sample: 69.00€
Organization of the sample shipping by the laboratory: 50.00€ (FEDEX)
All options must be requested by email: contact@infotestadn.com
Results within 3 to 5 working days after receipt of saliva samples.
Results within 10 working days for other types of samples
The results are sent by email and then automatically destroyed within 60 days.
Sibling Test
Order your test

Get instructions

Collect samples

Send to the lab

Discover your results

Your samples are analyzed by our partner laboratory:
Endeavor DNA Laboratories
Prefer to receive a DNA kit?
We also work with the associated laboratory EasyDNA.
The sibling DNA test determines the probability that brothers and sisters are biologically related through a biological father and mother.
The analysis involves a genetic comparison between the genetic profiles of two individuals to establish a parental relationship. It determines statistically whether the parties share the same two parents, one parent, or no parents in common.
You can purchase a DNA test online and receive a home collection kit. If the participants are geographically distant, the laboratory can send a genetic kit to each of them.
DNA tests are not available in pharmacies, and only a laboratory accredited by international standards can provide reliable results for relationship tests.
How to do a DNA test between siblings?
Sibling DNA testing can be done with:
Saliva samples (sterile buccal swabs)
Non-standard samples: Like hair, nails, toothbrush...
Be careful, you must follow the instructions and respect the conditions so that the samples provide enough genetic information for your test.
What type of sample is used for the test?

- One or more siblings can participate
- The test can be done between half-siblings
- For a maternity search between brothers and sisters or half-brothers and half-sisters, we advise you to use :
which in this case is much more reliable

- One or more brothers can participate
- The test can be done between half-brothers
- For a paternity search between two brothers or half-brothers, it is advisable to use:
which in this case is much more reliable

- One or more sisters can participate
- The test can be done between half-sisters
- For a maternity search between two sisters or half-sisters, it is advisable to use:
which in this case is much more reliable

Sibling Test Participants
Individuals who share both biological parents are called full siblings.
They share approximately 50% of their genes.
Individuals who share only one biological parent are called half-siblings.
They share approximately 25% of their genes.
When there are more than two sibling participants, you must choose a primary participant who will only be compared to the others. The choice of this participant depends on your research regarding the relationship between the individuals.
If you wish for all participants to be compared to one another, please inform the laboratory, as additional fees may apply.
The vast majority of the answer is no ! Genetic analysis to determine parentage becomes too complex when the presumed father or mother is already a member of your family .
As your DNA is composed with genes equivalent to your cousin, you have a good chance of receiving a positive, but not conclusive, result. Which means that your biological relationship is proven, but it cannot accurately answer your doubt of paternity or maternity.
Can I take a sibling test with cousins?
Consent is the agreement you give to the laboratory to use your DNA for the purpose of carrying out a genetic analysis. It is mandatory if you wish to take a sibling test. Consent can only be given explicitly by an adult and fully lucid person.
This agreement must be drafted after having received information about the outcomes of the test, through a contract or a consent form.
It is against the law to do a DNA test without the person's consent.
For minors, consent must be provided by one of the legal parents.
What is consent?

Parent Involvement
It is always recommended to test one or both known parents to achieve the most accurate results, as a child’s genetic makeup is only half derived from their parents.
The participation of parents in the sibling DNA test allows half of the child’s DNA to be excluded, leaving the other half available for comparison with the DNA of the person in question. This enhances the reliability of the results.
If your relationship inquiry involves presumed parents from the same family, all known parents should participate in the test alongside the children.
Otherwise, the results may lose accuracy. Generally, the more genetic information available, the higher the likelihood of conclusive test results.
There are 3 different statistical analysis that can be performed during sibling DNA testing which are based on the status of the participants according to the family situation.
Types of Sibling Tests
The Full Sibling Test
In the full sibling test, the DNA of two people is compared to determine the likelihood of them having the same biological mother and father, versus being completely unrelated .

The Half-Sibling Test
In the half-sibling test, the DNA of two individuals with the same biological mother is compared to determine the probability that they have the same biological father or vice versa .
Labs always recommend testing samples from the known biological parent to increase accuracy.

The Unrelated Half-Sibling Test
In this sibling test, the DNA of two individuals with different biological mothers is compared to determine the likelihood that they have the same biological father or vice versa .
Labs recommend to test samples from one, preferably both, known biological parents to increase accuracy.

The reliability and authenticity of a sibling DNA test depend on several factors:
The quality of the samples
The laboratory’s accreditation
The choice of test based on the family situation
The quality of the DNA depends on the sample collection and storage. It is crucial to follow the laboratory’s instructions to ensure accurate results.
Accredited laboratories adhere to strict requirements regarding the analysis process, resource and equipment management, impartiality, and confidentiality of information.
For a sibling DNA test, the laboratory must hold ISO 17025 accreditation to perform this type of analysis.
The reliability of the result depends on the number of genes compared. Most laboratories offer tests analyzing an average of 15 to 22 genetic markers (STR loci) to compare participants.
Depending on your situation, you may request an extended comparison of loci from the laboratory. An extended comparison improves accuracy and enhances the reliability of the results.
How reliable are the results?
The results are presented in a table format:
Each column corresponds to a participant
Each row represents the genes being compared
The composition of each gene is shown as one or two numbers in each profile
The sibling DNA test is an indirect relationship test. The genetic laboratory attempts to reconstruct the profile of a father or mother using only the genetic information of the children.
The test relies on statistics and probabilities, which play a significant role in interpreting the results. Participants may have different alleles due to random inheritance, which is still common.
Conversely, similar alleles do not necessarily confirm a common parent, as they could occur by chance.
It is possible to receive inconclusive results.
Verification of the participants’ relationship:
The sibling DNA test provides a relationship index. This index, based on a scale of 1, expresses the probability of shared genes between participants. The relationship index is then converted into a percentage.
The test results must be interpreted in terms of probability, with the sibling relationship index translated into a percentage ranging from 0% to 99.99%.
If the index is greater than 1 and the percentage exceeds 90%, the test is positive.
If the index is less than 1 and the percentage is below 10%, the test is negative.
How do I read the results of a sibling test?
The choice of laboratory is a very important step when you want to do a sibling test. You should know that each of the laboratories has specific services that are useful depending on your situation.
The choice of a laboratory can be made according to:
Your family situation and available participants
The confidence that the laboratory inspires through customer feedback
The transparency of the company concerning its activity and your expectations
How to choose a reliable Laboratory?
Can siblings' DNA test results be used for legal reasons?
Yes, sibling DNA test results can be used for administrative or legal proceedings such as immigration, social security benefits, inheritance rights, etc. More information about the legal tests. In contrast, a report for a private home test cannot be used legally.
How does this test work if you don't know the relationship between the participants?
If it is unclear whether the possible brother or sister is a half-brother / half-sister or "complete", we first check whether there is a biological relationship between them. If not, the test is terminated. If a relationship is determined in an initial report, then the lab may continue the DNA study to determine the full relationship between the participants.
How do you understand the results of a sibling DNA test?
Understanding the results of a sibling DNA test is a bit tricky, as there can never be a definite "yes or no" answer since it is considered an indirect test. Calculations for relationships such as grandparents, aunt and uncle, and siblings all involve statistics, and a relationship probability is given as a percentage in the report:
- 90% or more: the biological relationship is sustained
- Between 9% - 89%: the result is inconclusive, in this case additional people must be tested
- Below 9%: the biological relationship is excluded
Can we test from different addresses?
Yes, labs always offer an option to send you multiple kits if participants are unable to test together. This can also be done even if the participants are in different countries.
Can we come to the lab for a test?
Generally no, the companies that offer you online tests are merchant companies that work in partnership with the laboratories to relocate all the logistics of the procedures and the customer service.
This allows the laboratory to concentrate solely on the work of analysis and thus it is very rare that they provide a place open to the public. In addition, the sample collection that is requested does not require the intervention of a professional.
Can taking medication or drugs affect a DNA test?
No, no substance can alter a person's DNA. But the samples you send to the lab can be contaminated or degraded by many environmental factors. Take care to keep them in paper envelopes, avoid handling them with your fingers, and above all do not use a plastic bag.
Frequently Asked Questions
Relationship DNA testing compares the genetic profiles of two or more people to determine a common biological heritage. In general, the test highlights the similarities and differences that make up your genetic fingerprint and evaluates your match rate in order to give you results corresponding to your search for a relationship.
Under no circumstances can this study be established without comparing different individuals , because your DNA is unique and does not contain the genetic profiles of your family, but only its heritage.
The DNA Relationship Test
You want to remove any doubt about your biological origin or that of a loved one? But you don't know which test is best suited to your situation? Follow our guide!
On infotestadn.com, we you propose to guide you on the possible tests available by putting you in the position of a search for paternity or maternity . It's simple and free, which allows you to already have solid information before contacting the laboratory that suits you.