Dog breed tests to help you discover the origins of your pet dog. DNA breed tests can help identify your pet's ancestry with genetic research.
Your dog's DNA contains all the genetic information that determines your pet's physical characteristics, personality traits, behavior, and health. By analyzing its DNA, you can discover information about its ancestors, its genetic predispositions to certain diseases, allergies, its genetic age (telomere), and even its energy level.

Why test your dog's DNA?
Have you ever wondered what your dog's family tree looked like?
DNA testing your dog can provide valuable information to better understand your pet's health and needs. Here are a few reasons why you might consider testing your dog's DNA:
Understand genetic predispositions to certain diseases: by knowing your dog's genetic predispositions, you can take preventative measures to reduce the risk of developing certain diseases.
Understand nutritional needs: by knowing your dog's nutritional needs, you can provide it with a balanced diet to maintain its health and wellbeing.
Understand exercise needs: by knowing your dog's energy level, you can tailor its exercise program to meet its specific needs.
Understand its character and behavior: each breed has unique physical and behavioral characteristics and you need to adapt its environment according to its needs.
While many owners want to know the genetic makeup of their dog out of sheer curiosity, identifying the breed or breeds of their dog can have certain consequences. From insurance prices and rentals to bans on specific breeds, accurately identifying your dog's breed composition can impact certain decisions that concern you.
What is a dog breed DNA test?
A dog breed test is a genetic test that can identify the dog breeds present in your pet's ancestry. The test uses a DNA sample taken from your dog and is then analyzed to identify the genetic markers associated with different dog breeds. These genetic markers are compared to a database that compiles all known dog breeds to determine whether the dog breeds present in your dog's DNA match the information already recorded.
Be aware, DNA tests cannot be used to certify purebred dogs. Genetic identification analysis is designed only to identify the breeds present in the genetic makeup of mixed breed dogs.
Purebred status is necessarily obtained from the pedigree, issued by federations grouping breed clubs and not from breed DNA test results. The pure breed is acquired by a genealogical inheritance from the dog's lineage.
If only one breed is detected in your DNA test, it may mean that one parent was a mixed breed, but your dog only inherited from this particular breed. Technically, this dog is not purebred.
When it comes to mixed breed dogs, the percentage of each breed they represent is the subject of much debate. While some people may rely on physical appearance, the only way to be sure is to take a DNA test.
Quality and accuracy of dog breed tests
Accuracy is about more than just a simple number of genetic markers. It also requires a comprehensive breed database, a highly sophisticated algorithm, and a set of strategically and carefully placed markers.
When you want to take a DNA test to know the breeds, the database should include at least 350 common breeds. The laboratory must be able to continually enrich it as new breeds are created.
In addition, it is important that the test uses a powerful algorithm taking into account at least 200 different genetic markers, in order to establish a real comparison between the sample and the recorded information. The markers must be strategically placed to ensure maximum accuracy. Therefore, it is essential to verify that the genetic tests provide all of these criteria so that the results are as accurate as possible.
DNA dog breed identification kit
A dog breed test uses a salivary DNA sample taken from your dog, which can be obtained using a buccal swab or hair.
The process is simple, easy to use, and painless for your pet.
All you have to do is order the test kit on the laboratory's website to receive the sampling material at home.
Once you have received the full test kit, you will need to take the samples following the detailed instructions and recommendations from the laboratory. The last step is to return your sample to the laboratory by mail. Once the sample is received, the team of scientists will begin to analyze your dog's DNA.
The swab must be rubbed inside your dog's cheek to collect cells from the oral mucosa (epithelial cell).
Once the sample has been taken, it is sent to a laboratory for analysis. A detailed report will be sent to you by email within 2 to 3 weeks and will include your dog's breed(s) as well as information on physical characteristics, behavior, and specific needs based on the breeds.
How does a dog breed test work?
DNA is the blueprint for everything that makes your dog: from the color of its fur to its temperament, from the shape of their nose to the length of their tail, its DNA determines everything.
By understanding how dog DNA works, we can better appreciate the amazing variety of canine life. Since DNA contains all the genetic information that makes each creature unique.
A dog's DNA is present in its chromosomes. All dogs have two copies of each chromosome, one inherited from each parent. The total number of chromosomes in a dog's genome is 38.
However, each chromosome containing different information:
Autosomes: involved in a dog's physical appearance
Sex chromosomes: determine the animal's sex
Mitochondrial chromosomes: responsible for energy production in cells
To do a DNA test, it all starts with an oral sample. Then each DNA test starts with an extraction and replication process. In order to get a more accurate picture of your dog's genetics.
The laboratory uses a technique called PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) to amplify and multiply the number of copies of the genetic markers present in your dog's DNA.
Once the copies have been made, the DNA is ready to be analyzed on microchips used for research. The laboratory examines the DNA at over 230,000 different locations in your dog's genome to collect as much information. This is an advanced method called Copy Number Variation (CNV) analysis.
What exactly is CNV analysis?
Copy Number Variation (CNV) analysis is a method used to detect variations in the number of copies of DNA segments in an organism's genome.
CNVs refer to regions of DNA that show variations in their number of copies between individuals of the same species. These variations can be present in the genome in a constitutional (heritable) or acquired (due to mutations) manner. CNV analysis can provide valuable information about genetics and heredity.
How to interpret the results of a dog breed test?
The results of a dog breed test can vary depending on the quality of the DNA sample and the genetic marker database used. The results may also be influenced by the presence of unlisted dog breeds in the database.
The test results can be presented as percentages for each identified dog breed. It is important to keep in mind that these percentages may not be 100% accurate and can vary depending on the quality of the DNA sample and genetic transmission.
Can I test my puppy to know its breeds?
It is entirely possible to do a DNA test on your dog at any stage of its life. However, if you want to test a puppy that has not yet been weaned, it is best to wait until it has been weaned to avoid any risk of cross-contamination with the mother's milk. If this is not feasible, make sure the puppy has not suckled its mother or had oral contact with the other puppies for about 1 to 2 hours before taking the sample. This way, you can be sure that the test results will be reliable and accurate.
A single litter with multiple fathers:
It is possible that puppies from the same litter show marked differences if there is more than one father involved in breeding. Canine females produce several eggs during each fertility period and can mate with several males.
Therefore, it is possible that a single reproductive cycle involves multiple fertilizations. This phenomenon can give rise to puppies that strongly resemble one parent and its associated breeds, while others more closely resemble the other parent.
It is important to understand the importance of DNA and genetic variation in this process. When there are multiple fathers involved, new genes are introduced, which leads to an even wider range of inherited traits and predispositions.
Are mixed breeds healthier?
It is common to believe that mixed breed dogs are generally healthier than purebred dogs. However, this depends on many factors, including genetics and breeding. Purebred dogs may be more susceptible to certain genetic diseases due to inbreeding, while mixed breed dogs may inherit a wider range of genetic traits, which can sometimes contribute to better overall health. However, all dogs, whether purebred or mixed, can be healthy with proper care.
What are the benefits of a dog breed DNA test?
A dog breed DNA test offers many benefits:
Know the genetic heritage of your dog: this can help explain certain behaviors, predispositions or physical traits of your dog. Knowing the breeds present in your dog's heritage can help you understand why it behaves a certain way or why it has certain preferences.
Predict and prevent health problems: some DNA tests can also provide information about your dog's predispositions to certain diseases. Owners can use this information to closely monitor signs of these conditions, and take preventative measures to maintain their dog's health.
Plan exercise and diet: by knowing your dog's specific exercise and nutrition needs, you can provide it with a lifestyle that fits its needs. For example, some breeds need more exercise than others, and some may have specific nutritional needs.
Satisfy curiosity: many dog owners are simply curious to know their pet's heritage. A DNA test can provide this information in a fun and interesting way.
How to choose a dog breed DNA test?
When choosing a dog breed DNA test, it is important to take into account certain factors. Look for a test that uses a comprehensive and up-to-date breed database, and that uses accurate and reliable testing technology. It may be helpful to read customer reviews to get information on the accuracy and reliability of the test. Finally, make sure the test provides clear and easy-to-follow instructions for collecting the DNA sample.
What is the cost of a dog breed DNA test?
The cost of a dog breed DNA test can vary considerably depending on the brand, the quality of the test, the information provided, and the geographical location.
In general, you can expect to pay between 50 and 200 euros for a test. Some more expensive tests may also provide additional information, such as genetic health tests.
It is important to note that while cost may be a determining factor, quality should not be sacrificed for price. A cheaper but lower quality test may not give as accurate or detailed results as a more expensive test.
What are the alternatives to dog breed DNA tests?
If you are not ready to do a DNA test on your dog or if you are looking for a less expensive option, there are other ways to determine your dog's breed.
Visual assessment: A veterinarian or dog breed expert may be able to determine your dog's breed based on its physical appearance. However, this method is not always accurate, especially if your dog is a mix of several breeds.
Pedigree registers: If you bought your dog from a breeder, it may have a pedigree indicating its breed. However, this only works for purebred dogs and not for mixed breed dogs.
Behavioral analysis: Some dog breeds have specific behaviors that can help identify their breed. For example, some dogs have been bred for hunting, while others have been bred for guarding. A canine behaviorist may be able to help you determine your dog's breed based on its behavior.
These methods can give an idea of your dog's breed, but they are not as accurate as a DNA test.