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The mitochondrial DNA test is a genetic comparison between two individuals to determine a maternal connection.


The mitochondria is an autonomous structure present in all  human cells. This component has the particularity of having its own DNA, and its function is to provide energy to the cell allowing it to become completely autonomous in turn.


The mitochondria and therefore its mitochondrial DNA are transmitted only by the mother to all her children . This transmission is completely identical from generation to generation ,  because mitochondrial DNA mutations are extremely rare .


The mitochondrial DNA test consists of analyzing the markers of this DNA, in order to define your maternal line with great precision. It can be carried out by men and women for genealogical research as well as for a relationship test.


The mitochondrial DNA test can be done exclusively with oral samples. 

What is a Mitochondrial DNA test?

You can do a DNA test to find out the parentage at home in a private setting. The order can be made directly on the internet from your home in order to receive the sampling equipment at home. 

Despite everything, it is still impossible to obtain a DNA test in a pharmacy, moreover only a laboratory with genetic analysis equipment and accredited by international standards can provide the result for a DNA test.

How to do a Mitochondrial
DNA test?


The mitochondrial DNA test can be performed with:


  • Salivary samples (Sterile buccal swabs)


Attention, it is not possible to perform this test with another type of sample! 

What type of sample is used for the test?

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  • The grandmother can participate in the test

  • The grandmother must be the alleged mother's biological mother​

  • A mitochondrial test with the grandmother will determine whether or not there is a maternal line between the mother and her children. 

maternity search
  • Technically, mitochondrial DNA testing can be done without the mother.

  • But for reliability and cost reasons, if the mother is available, it is advisable to do the maternity test 

maternity search
  • You can do the test with uncle and aunt​

  • The uncle and aunt must have the same biological mother as the alleged mother​

  • A mitochondrial test with the uncle and aunt will determine whether or not there is a maternal line between the mother and her children 

  • One or more cousins can participate in the test​

  • The mother of the cousins must be the biological sister of the alleged mother​

  • A mitochondrial DNA test with cousins will determine whether or not there is a maternal line between the mother and her children 

  • One or more  siblings can participate in the test​

  • The test can be done between half-siblings. 


Maternal Line Participants


To determine maternal lineage, the laboratory analyzes mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), which is transmitted exclusively by the mother to all her children.


In this context, all individuals from the same maternal lineage share the same mitochondrial DNA. However, the hereditary line is broken with a father, as men cannot pass on this DNA.


Mitochondrial DNA is hereditary and has the unique characteristic of not being affected by the passage of time, meaning it does not undergo mutations over multiple generations.


Maternal lineage tests determine whether the mitochondrial DNA genes are similar or not, concluding whether the tested individuals may be related through a common female ancestor.


However, mitochondrial DNA analysis cannot distinguish specific relationships between women belonging to the same maternal lineage.


For example, the test cannot differentiate between a presumed mother and an aunt if both share the same mitochondrial DNA.


Nonetheless, it can be useful for excluding a mother from a presumed biological relationship.


If your maternity inquiry involves presumed mothers from the same family, mitochondrial DNA testing is not suitable for your situation.


In such cases, please refer to our guide on maternity testing to find an appropriate test.


Genetic analysis of the mitochondrial DNA to determine maternal lineage and search for maternity can be useful in several constructs depending on the participants:


  • Genetic analysis between sisters and half-sisters (different biological father)

  • Genetic analysis between cousins (on the maternal side: the children of the aunt) 

  • Genetic analysis between a niece and an aunt   (the aunt must have the same biological mother as the mother sought)

  • Genetic analysis between grandchildren and their maternal grandmother

Under what conditions can a maternal line be defined?


Consent is the agreement you give to the laboratory to use your DNA for the purpose of carrying out a genetic analysis. It is mandatory if you want to do a mitochondrial DNA test.


Consent can only be given explicitly by an adult and fully lucid person.


This agreement must be drafted after having received information about the outcomes of the test, through a contract or a consent form.


It is against the law to do a DNA test without the person's consent.

For minors, consent must be provided by one of the legal parents. 

What is consent for a DNA test?


  • 20 to 30  days using mouth swabs for all participants


This delay is calculated from the moment your  samples arrive at the laboratory. Transport time is not taken into account.

What are the analysis times for a maternal lineage test 


The results are presented in the form of a table:


  • Each  column  corresponding to a participant

  • Each line has genes that are compared

  • The composition of the gene is represented by one or two numbers per profile

How to read mitochondria test results?


Choosing the right laboratory is a crucial step when planning to perform a relationship DNA test. It’s important to know that not all laboratories offer the same services.


You should select a laboratory based on:


  • Your family situation and the participants available

  • The trustworthiness of the laboratory, reflected in customer reviews

  • The transparency of the company regarding its practices and your expectations


A DNA analysis is a direct relationship test. The genetic laboratory compares the profiles of each individual to determine whether they are similar or not. The result is either positive or negative, leaving no room for doubt.


It is not possible to receive inconclusive results for this type of DNA test.

How to choose a reliable Laboratory?


The reliability and authenticity of a DNA test depend on several factors:


  • The quality of the samples

  • The laboratory’s accreditation

  • The choice of test based on the family situation


The quality of the DNA depends on sample collection and storage. It is crucial to follow the laboratory’s instructions to ensure accurate results.


Accredited laboratories meet strict requirements regarding the analysis process, resource and equipment management, impartiality, and confidentiality of information. For a mitochondrial DNA test, the laboratory must hold ISO 17025 accreditation.

How reliable are mitochondrial DNA results?


Maternity DNA Test


With the maternity test, you can compare your genetic profile directly with that of an alleged mother to define a biological relationship or not. 


The Genealogy of Mitochondrial DNA


Mitochondrial DNA analysis can also be used for genealogical research on the origins of your maternal ancestors.


Genealogy DNA testing examines specific locations in your DNA to estimate ancestral genetic relationships. It allows your genetic profile to be compared and integrated with a database that lists and uses different reference ethnic groups , composed of people tested and whose previous origins are known.


There are two main types of genealogical DNA testing , each examining a different part of the genome and useful for different types of genealogical research:


In order to have information on your origins :


  • Know your ethnic percentage

  • Find information about the origin of your family

  • Understand population migrations


You wish to complete the genealogical archives of your family :  


  • Improve your classic genealogy research

  • Discover and identify genetic matches

  • Find family members

  • Add your genetic profile to a database


The genealogy DNA test will not give you with certainty and precision a biological relationship between family members.


It can give you a more or less distant relationship percentage that you must confirm with a relationship test in order to guarantee the biological link.

Paternity search between sisters


The analysis of the X chromosome makes it possible to define whether the two sisters share the same paternal X chromosome. For this, it is mandatory that the sisters share the same biological mother. 

x chromosome


The mitochondrial DNA genealogy test can be used to determine the origins of maternal ancestry and trace the   ancestors   of the family on your mother's side.


In addition to providing you with important information in your genealogical research, this DNA test gives you access to:  


  • Your direct maternal line and your geographical origins

  • Relationships with people who have the same DNA

  • The ancient migration paths of your female ancestors

  • Your maternal haplogroup affiliation 


Mitochondrial DNA makes it possible to investigate your mother's lineage   very accurately. This approach can help you find unknown or lost relatives.


It is possible to order a genealogy test with mitochondria:


  • This test is done individually

  • With a saliva sample only

  • The results are available in English

  • Analysis is ready in 4 - 5 weeks

Maternal lineage test

Lignée maternelle

Mitochondrial DNA test

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